Wednesday 19 June 2013

The Carnegie Medal is announced!

At last, after months of reading and debating, the announcement was made at 1pm today. 'Maggot Moon' by Sally Gardner has won the Carnegie Medal for her superb dystopian story about Standish Treadwell. The Kimbookworms celebrated with chocolate cake of course - chocolate features in so many of our activities!  Want to read the book now? Then borrow one of the Kindles from the library. In the meantime, read what Sally had to say in the Guardian.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Hold your breath

Caroline Green's latest supernatural thriller is out now. Get a taste by watching the trailer.

Library Challenge

Well done to 2L for winning the Library Challenge! Lots of enthusiasm and accurate answers, well-researched.

Friday 7 June 2013

Malorie Blackman

Malorie Blackman has just been appointed as the new Children's Laureate. She has inherited the position from Julia Donaldson (of Gruffalo fame) and it seems timely that we now have a Laureate who will champion the cause of teenage readers. Malorie Blackman's next book 'Noble Conflict' has literally just been published and will arrive in the library early next week. Read what she thinks about her new position and about her early struggles with racism here.