Wednesday 17 October 2012

Johnny O'Brien visits Kimbolton

The year: 1914. The place: Sarajevo. The mission: assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Jack Christie and his friend Angus are caught up in a major event that will dramatically change the future. Should they intervene? And, more importantly, will they survive?
This was the scenario painted by Johnny O'Brien on Tuesday when he talked to First Form pupils about his 'Jack Christie' time-travelling adventure series. Pupils got to handle artefacts from the First World War and to act out the assassination before chatting to Johnnie about his books.
Johnnie was kept very busy at lunchtime signing books: evidence of a very succesful visit.

Hilary Mantel wins the Booker for a second time

Hilary Mantel has revealed that both her Booker prize winning novels are being turned into stage plays following the award ceremony last night for 'Bring up the Bodies', her sequel to Wolf Hall. Further details of the ceremony and Mantel's comments in this Daily Telegraph article.

Monday 8 October 2012

Stranger than Fiction...

A writing competition for secondary school students is offering the chance to win £250 of books. The challenge is to write a story based on a reallife event that took place 100 years ago - in 1912 - or about a famous individual who did something significant that year. More details at:

The Raven Boys

A book trailer for The Raven Boys with animation and music by the author Maggie Stiefvater.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

National Poetry Day: Thursday 4th October

Looking for inspiration to write poetry? Try this excellent ideas generator from Winning Words (inspired by London 2012).