Friday 29 June 2012

Dear Dylan

Siobhan Curham's self-published debut novel for young adults tells the tale of a 14 year old girl who starts emailing her favourite actor. The novel charts the resulting online friendship and follows the heroine as she refuses to give up on her dream, despite the difficulties she faces at home. It went on to win the Young Minds Book Award.

Since the book was published Siobhan has been inundated by emails from readers who, inspired by the confidential nature and themes of the book, have opened up to her about their own dreams and fears. Siobhan has now set up a weekly blog called Dear Writer offering writing tips, workshops, competition opportunities and advice. To subscribe go to:

Thursday 14 June 2012

Carnegie Medal 2012

Patrick Ness' novel 'A Monster Calls' has won both the Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medal this year - a unique achievement in the 75 year history of the awards. There was much support at Kimbolton School for this beautiful yet harrowing tale of Connor and the Yew Tree monster in the lead up to the announcement. 'My sister lives on the mantelpiece' and 'Between shades of gray' also had their champions.
Watch a video of 12 of the shortlisted authors and illustrators talking about their most memorable reading experiences at
You can also vote in the shadowing survey or write about your own memorable reading experience.

Library Challenge Final

Well done to all the finalists in the Library Challenge Final. Enthusiasm and energy made for a noisy competition with very close scores. Well done to 2D who were presented with their book token prizes at Ingrams' assembly.

The Finalists

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2012

The shortlist for the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2012 has just been announced. If you're interested in becoming a Young Critic and submitting your review of one of the shortlisted titles, you can download the details here.

Balloon Launch

The Kimbookworms launched their book recommendations into the atmosphere today with the aim of spreading the word about the Carnegie Medal and about the shadowing site at . Each balloon had a personal recommendation for one of the shortlisted books and a request to email details of how far the message had travelled.
The winner of the Carnegie Medal will be announced tomorrow